Requirements and announcements


To the attention of scientists, workers

design and production organizations


Dear colleagues!


The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering and the North-West Territorial Branch of the Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine announce a set of articles for the collection of scientific papers "Resource – saving materials, structures, buildings and structures" (issue 46).


Requirements to registration of articles are added

(detailed on the web page 

Deadline for submission of articles – 01 October  2024


to the content and design of the articles that are submitted for publication in the collection of scientific papers " Resource-saving materials, constructions, buildings and structures"

The collection of scientific works is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

(certificate Series KB № 23958-13798 P dated 21.05.2019), included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 28.12.2017 №1714)

And has the international registration ISSN 2218-1873

Web page 



Topics of articles

The collection provides publication of articles on the subject of specialty 192 "Construction and Civil Engineering ".



The collection contains the following sections:

  • Resource-saving, materials, their properties and manufacturing technologies.
  • Research, design and implementation of effective constructions, buildings and structures.
  • Features of materials and design of structures for the construction of protective and defensive structures.
  • Fundamentals and foundations.
  • Construction mechanics.
  • Technology and organization of constructions production.
  • Engineering structures of water supply and drainage systems.
  • Technical condition, reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures.



Articles must have a scientific and practical value and novelty, should contain posing tasks (problems), describing the main results of the experiments and conclusions.

Languages of articles.

Articles in the collection are published in mixed languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish and Russian.


The structure of the articles

- UDC.

- Title of the article (the language of the article, Ukrainian and English languages).

-Name of the author (s) scientific degree, academic title (in the language of the article, Ukrainian and English languages), a unique number ORCID for availability (you have an opportunity to register ORCID at the link https: // orcid / register ).

- Abstract should contain concise and clearly articulated statement of scientific and practical problems (tasks) and obtained results (the language of the article, Ukrainian and English languages).

An extended annotation of 1800-2000 characters is provided in English. The text of the English language should be thoroughly revised and certified by translation bureau or international department or person who is in this resolution.

- Key words must be submitted separately, not phrases (the language of the article, Ukrainian and English languages) to 2 lines.

- The main part of the article should contain the following elements:

introduction, analysis of recent research, setting aim and tasks of research, methods of research, the results of research, scientific and practical value of the results, conclusions.

The list of used sources is given in the order of their mention in the text with through numbering. Compilation of bibliographic references must comply with DSTU 8302: 2015 "Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation".

Bibliographic reference repeated also by means of transliteration in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 27 January 2010 g. N 55 "On regulation of transliteration of Ukrainian alphabet in Latin"

If the article is submitted in Russian or Polish language, the name of the article, the authors, abstract and key words submitted in addition to the language of article in Ukrainian and English languages.

The names of the structural elements of the main part are printed in the middle of the page and highlighted in bold


Rules of article design

1. In the collection are accepted 6-8 full pages’ articles including figures, tables and a list of literature.

2. The size of the sheet: 148x210 (A5). Margins: top, left, right - 1,5 cm, bottom - 1.7 cm. The numbering of pages is not raised.

3. The following font sizes are offered:

- Times New Roman.

- for UDC - 10 kegel, capital letters, bold; 

- for the title - 10 point, capital letters , bold;

- for the names of the authors - 10 kegel, bold;

- for the name of the organization and the city - 10 kegel, normal;

- for annotation - 10 kegel, bold;

         Annotation in the language of the article - up to 5 lines at one interval;

         Annotation in English – extended to 0.5 pages, at one interval;

- for section titles in the text - 10 kegel, normal (with paragraph indentation);

- for the main text - 10 kegel, normal;

- between the headings in the main text and the text distance in one interval;

- for the list of sources (after one interval, do not print the word "List") - 9 kegel, normal.

4. The text is printed at one space and aligned to the width of the sheet.

5. Paragraph deviation from the main text - 0.5 cm.

6. UDC, surname (s) of the author (s), lines of the text of the annotation, aligned along the width of the page, the title of the article - on the left edge (hyphens in the title of the article are not allowed.)

7. Formulas should be typed in the center, with the opportunity to further their editing (equation editor «Microsoft Equation ») the numbering of formulas in the end of the line (on the right). The size of the formulas is as follows: basic - 12; large index -9; small index -7; large symbol - 15; small symbol - 12.

8. Figure should be placed in the middle of the page, after the reference to it in the text in the form of embedded object, served black and white image. The numbering and signature of the figures are after the explanatory data in the center of the font 9 kegel, for example:


Fig.1. Placement scheme …

9. The word "Table" is placed on the right side above the table, and in the second line – the name of the table is placed in the middle. If the table continues on the next page, it is noted: "continuation of the table.1 »

No periods are placed at the end of table and figure headings.

10. Between the lines with the specified UDC index, the title of the article, the name of the author(s), annotation, keywords and the text of the article – the distance should be one space.


The procedure for submitting materials to the editorial board

The text of the articles is submitted to the editorial board in the electronic form within the terms, which are additionally notified by e-mail. Address–file name - author's surname.


The following are attached to the materials of the article:

  1. 1. author's certificate (surname, name, patronymic, place of work, position, home and work addresses, telephone numbers);
  2. 2. The decision of the department (laboratory) on the feasibility of publication;
  3. 3. The review of one of the members of the editorial board or lead scientist for the research orientation article (editorial board appoints an additional reviewer of the leading specialists).

At the end of the article there is a link to e-mail for the author, or web page , if such exists