
  • O.O., Korobko (Odessa State Academy Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa)
  • O.M., Kushnir Odessa State Academy Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa
  • V.O., Kushnir Odessa State Academy Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa
  • V. M., Ivanov Odessa State Academy Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa



One of the important tasks in the production of building materials and products, especially in conditions of economic crises, should be considered the rational use of mineral binders. This implies the improvement of qualitative indicators of construction materials while reducing their material intensity by reducing cement consumption. The generalized analysis made it possible to conclude that the solution to this complex problem is possible due to a more complete disclosure of the potential of binding systems and materials based on them. For the effective methods of activation of structure formation processes, we can refer to the method of changing external force permanent electromagnetic influences by using special fractal-matrix resonators. A less effective method of directed organization of the structure of binding composites should be considered the use of mineral fillers, rational in nature, quantity and dispersibility. The joint use of matrix activators and rational fillers creates conditions for the regulation of structural changes and, accordingly, properties of hardened and cured mortars and concretes based on mineral binders. The joint effects associated with the external electromagnetic influences and the use of rational fillers will allow solving important problems of economically justified use of cement. In this connection, the task of increasing the mechanical properties of concretes due to the directed organization of their structure using external, internal, and complex activation of cement components in the initial period of hardening is actual. Changing the parameters of electromagnetic influences as an external factor in combination with changing the parameters of fillers as an internal factor should lead to a change in the initial organization of the structure of cement compositions, which will affect their final structure and, consequently, the mechanical properties and crack resistance of the finished material (cement stone and concrete).




